Floating Reamer Holder |
Adjustable Floating Reamer Holder |
1. Mount reamer holder in turret of machine and clamp securely.
2. Install reamer in reamer holder by using appropriate split type drill bushing. Lock securely in place by tightening part #10 set screw.
3. If using floating reamer holder - this should be all that is necessary to produce good parts, assuming that spindle is reasonably in alignment with turret. 4. If using the floating adjustable reamer holder - loosen screws #11 and retighten lightly so that the body can move laterally with minimal hand pressure.
5. Start machine spindle and advance reamer into work piece. While holding pressure of tool slide against reamer, stop spindle and tighten part #11 screws securely. Then continue to ream full depth as required.
6. Check hole for size, tapers, bellmouth, etc. If not satisfactory, repeat above operations until hole is as desired.