1. Mount skive tool in Holder and clamp in place with screws provided It is strongly recommended that brass or other material be used as packing between screws and tool so as to not damage form of cutting tool. 2. Tool should be mounted with minimum front overhang and packing should be used if necessary so that tool is pushed up against the side of the holder closest to the spindle. 3. Turn Adjusting Screw (Pt. #3) to raise or lower Taper Wedge (Pt. #2) until correct part diameter is obtained being sure to loosen or tighten top clamp screws accordingly. 4. In addition to up and down adjustment of the taper wedge for diameters, this tool is made with a sideway rocker type adjustment for tapers in the part. The tool is shipped with the taper wedge adjusted centrally and should produce parts without tapers. In the event the parts do have tapers, merely loosen the adjusting set screw on one side of tool holder near the bottom and tighten the adjusting screw on the opposite side until tapers are corrected. These screws should be left snug so that the wedge will not move but not so tight that the wedge can not be adjusted for diameters. When correct work piece diameters are attained tighten all screws securely. |
* All dimensions same as front slide tool except reversed to fit back slide (diagram not shown) |