Knurling Tool
Install the desired Pt. #3 Knurl Rolls into the Knurl Tool by loosening the Pt. #7 clamp screw, and removing the Pt. #2 barrel by turning the Pt.#6 adjusting screws until the barrels come out of the Pt. #1 body. Next loosen the Pt. #5 barrel screws a few turns and push out the Pt. #4 knurl pins.
Replace the Knurl with the Knurl of the desired style and pitch and reassemble barrel, being certain to tighten barrel screws onto flats on Knurl Pins.
Insert barrels into body and adjust them down to a slightly larger diameter than that of the part to be knurled. Also adjust to degree of angle required for straight, diagonal, or diamond knurl and tighten clamp screws only slightly.
NOTE: For easier starting onto work piece when producing a straight knurl use diagonal knurl rolls with knurls rotated so that teeth are parallel to part. To produce diagonal or diamond knurl use straight knurl rolls rotated to desired angle. See Diagrams below.
Next advance Knurl Tool over work and adjust both Knurls inward, equally, until desired depth of knurl is obtained, then lock clamp screws securely.
If knurling and drilling at the same time, use a concentric drill bushing and adjust lengthwise until correct relationship is arrived at between drill depth and knurl location.