The Toughest Broaching Material Available
Best Chip Resistant Material AvailableImproved Wear Resistance for Better Tool Life
Industry Leading Depth of Cut
Industry-Wide Compatibility
Largest Stock of ANSI Hex & Squares Available for Same Day Shipping
Special Hex & Square Sizes Available in 1-2 Days
Contact Us Today to Learn More!

With much enthusiasm & excitement, we are pleased to announce a new broach tool line for the metal working industry – FORTE! Since 2015, Somma Tool Company has been manufacturing all of our broaches from the toughest material available. Somma is the first broach tool manufacturer in the industry to use Forte as the new standard broaching material instead of commonly used M2 high speed steel.
Not only is Forte the toughest broaching material available, it also has an improved wear resistance for better tool life. With the Forte broaches we are also introducing an industry leading depth of cut - giving you a wider range of parts that can be broached from our standard stocked broaches.
How much more would you be willing to pay for reduced chipping, increased tool life and more versatility? 5%? 10%? Somma is pleased to be able to offer these new broaches at no extra cost over our previously offered M2 broaches.
And as always, we have the largest stock of ANSI hex and square broaches available for same day shipping, while most special made hex and square sizes can be ready to ship in 1-2 days after receipt of order. And our broach tool holders and broaches have industry wide compatibility.
Now more than ever it is time to try Somma Forte broaches! Compare Forte with your old M2 broaches to find out if you are tough enough.
Not only is Forte the toughest broaching material available, it also has an improved wear resistance for better tool life. With the Forte broaches we are also introducing an industry leading depth of cut - giving you a wider range of parts that can be broached from our standard stocked broaches.
How much more would you be willing to pay for reduced chipping, increased tool life and more versatility? 5%? 10%? Somma is pleased to be able to offer these new broaches at no extra cost over our previously offered M2 broaches.
And as always, we have the largest stock of ANSI hex and square broaches available for same day shipping, while most special made hex and square sizes can be ready to ship in 1-2 days after receipt of order. And our broach tool holders and broaches have industry wide compatibility.
Now more than ever it is time to try Somma Forte broaches! Compare Forte with your old M2 broaches to find out if you are tough enough.

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