The freedom to choose the holders and inserts that best suit your production requirements.
Click a Product Category Below for More Information and Online Ordering
Click a Product Category Below for More Information and Online Ordering
Why RQC?
Economical inserts 20-30 uses from 1 Insert
Always on center after resharpening
Carbide and HSS inserts
Great for part families and long-running jobs
Can also accept single-use inserts
Why STA?
Economical holders
Compact yet rigid design
0° or 5° top rakes
Carbide and HSS inserts
Simple back-up spacer

Why DIY?
Do you want to have control over your design and deliveries?
We provide the insert blanks and EDM fixtures for both of our form tool systems so you can make your own inserts in-house.
We provide the insert blanks and EDM fixtures for both of our form tool systems so you can make your own inserts in-house.
Why SES?
Our tool design engineers will design the inserts from the part prints you send us. We’ll provide you with a PDF print and DXF file so you can start cutting your inserts immediately, or let us manufacture the inserts.

We also offer a full line of dovetail and
circular blanks, as well as the holders.
circular blanks, as well as the holders.
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